兒童睡眠褪黑素軟糖(櫻桃味), 40 全素軟糖
18171<h2><strong>Just 4 Kidz Gummies</strong></h2> <p>Children require many nutrients for their growing bodies. High-quality nutrition is the first step for them to be healthy. However, nutritional excellence is difficult to achieve from healthy foods alone. A supplement can offer an additional wide range of nutrients from a single source for complete, year-round support.</p> <h2><strong>Just 4 Kidz Melatonin</strong></h2> <p>- Melatonin (1 mg)</p> <p>- Gluten Free & Non-GMO</p> <p>- Extra Yummy!</p> <h2><strong>Children's Melatonin</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock Just for Kids is the extra yummy, cherrylicious flavor gummies that kids love! This amazing formula provides a gentle 1 mg dosage of Melatonin per vegan gummy to help support your child’s routine.</p> <p>We’re passionate about supplying your child with a clean wellness experience. Our gummies are specially crafted with pectin, making them not only tasty but also vegan-friendly. They’re Gluten Free, non-GMO, and contain no artificial colors or artificial sweeteners. </p>促銷結束
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兒童睡眠褪黑素軟糖(櫻桃味), 40 全素軟糖
18171<h2><strong>Just 4 Kidz Gummies</strong></h2> <p>Children require many nutrients for their growing bodies. High-quality nutrition is the first step for them to be healthy. However, nutritional excellence is difficult to achieve from healthy foods alone. A supplement can offer an additional wide range of nutrients from a single source for complete, year-round support.</p> <h2><strong>Just 4 Kidz Melatonin</strong></h2> <p>- Melatonin (1 mg)</p> <p>- Gluten Free & Non-GMO</p> <p>- Extra Yummy!</p> <h2><strong>Children's Melatonin</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock Just for Kids is the extra yummy, cherrylicious flavor gummies that kids love! This amazing formula provides a gentle 1 mg dosage of Melatonin per vegan gummy to help support your child’s routine.</p> <p>We’re passionate about supplying your child with a clean wellness experience. Our gummies are specially crafted with pectin, making them not only tasty but also vegan-friendly. They’re Gluten Free, non-GMO, and contain no artificial colors or artificial sweeteners. </p>兒童褪黑激素咀嚼片, 1 mg, 120 咀嚼錠劑
Current price: NT$ 224Original price: NT$ 300兒童多種維他命 + 益生菌軟糖(美味莓果賓治), 90 素食軟糖
Current price: NT$ 323Original price: NT$ 432兒童益生菌14種菌株30億活性(天然漿果), 60 咀嚼錠劑
Current price: NT$ 208Original price: NT$ 395Kids Probiotic 2 Strains, 1 Billion CFU, 30 軟糖
Current price: NT$ 30Original price: NT$ 494兒童接骨木莓軟糖(莓果味), 60 全素軟糖
Current price: NT$ 326Original price: NT$ 326
More Information
Just 4 Kidz Gummies
Children require many nutrients for their growing bodies. High-quality nutrition is the first step for them to be healthy. However, nutritional excellence is difficult to achieve from healthy foods alone. A supplement can offer an additional wide range of nutrients from a single source for complete, year-round support.
Just 4 Kidz Melatonin
- Melatonin (1 mg)
- Gluten Free & Non-GMO
- Extra Yummy!
Children's Melatonin
Piping Rock Just for Kids is the extra yummy, cherrylicious flavor gummies that kids love! This amazing formula provides a gentle 1 mg dosage of Melatonin per vegan gummy to help support your child’s routine.
We’re passionate about supplying your child with a clean wellness experience. Our gummies are specially crafted with pectin, making them not only tasty but also vegan-friendly. They’re Gluten Free, non-GMO, and contain no artificial colors or artificial sweeteners.
- 每份規格 1 軟糖
- 每瓶份數 40
product | 每份 含量 |
%每日 4歲以下兒童攝入 量 |
%每日 成人攝入 量 |
卡路里 | 10 | ||
總碳水化合物 | 2 g | 1%* | <1 %* |
總糖 | 2 g | ||
包含2克添加糖 | 2 g | 8%* | 4 %* |
褪黑素 | 1 mg | † | † |
木薯糖漿, 細砂糖, 果膠, 檸檬酸, 檸檬酸鈉, 天然香料, 葵花籽油, 天然棕櫚葉釉, 植物油, 黑胡蘿蔔汁濃縮液色素食用指南:
對於 2 歲及以上的兒童,由於褪黑激素可產生睡意,請在睡前 30 分鐘服用 1 顆素食軟糖。 為了能有最佳效果,請讓孩子的睡眠能超過 6 小時。 僅遵照指示服用。 請勿服用超過建議劑量。 提醒您,請與您小孩的小兒科醫師討論服用的補充品和藥物。警告:
該產品需要成人監督,不得由兒童分發。 基於窒息危險的考量,不建議2歲以下兒童使用 不適合孕婦或哺乳期婦女使用。 如果您正在服用任何藥物或有任何健康狀況,請在使用前諮詢您的醫生。 如發生任何不良反應,請立即停止使用並諮詢醫生。 服用本產品時請勿駕駛,操作機器或飲酒。 僅供臨時、短期使用。 如瓶蓋下的密封膜損壞或丟失,請勿使用。 請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。 存放在陰涼,乾燥的地方。 避免過熱。PipingRock 以先進的內部分析測試支援對品質的 熱誠
PipingRock 保證最高品質,因為我們以自有的最先進設備對我們的 補充品進行設計、製造和測試。

在 PipingRock,我們最重視您的健康。許多食品補充品中具有轉基因生物體 (GMO),然而卻尚未證明可長期安全食用。 PipingRock 致力於不斷增加重多的非轉基因產品系列,不受轉基因潛在影響提供優質產品。
100% 滿意度保證
我們支持我們產品品質。 若您因任何原因對您的 PipingRock 產品有任何不滿意,我們將根據退貨政策進行全額退款。