特級能量補充劑片 , 90 快速釋放膠囊, 2 瓶子
6801<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Energy to Keep You Going</strong></h2> <p>Sometimes we all need that extra support to put the pep back in our step, which is why Piping Rock is excited to offer our Ultra Energy Booster supplement!</p> <p>Featuring a perfect blend of caffeine sources and energetic herbs such as ginseng, guarana and green tea, each capsule delivers the fuel you need to help get you through your long day, your rigorous workout or before a night out.**</p> <p>As caffeine supplements are not for everyone, you should consult with your trusted medical professional before adding caffeine to your daily regimen.</p>特級能量補充劑片 , 90 快速釋放膠囊, 2 瓶子
6801<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Energy to Keep You Going</strong></h2> <p>Sometimes we all need that extra support to put the pep back in our step, which is why Piping Rock is excited to offer our Ultra Energy Booster supplement!</p> <p>Featuring a perfect blend of caffeine sources and energetic herbs such as ginseng, guarana and green tea, each capsule delivers the fuel you need to help get you through your long day, your rigorous workout or before a night out.**</p> <p>As caffeine supplements are not for everyone, you should consult with your trusted medical professional before adding caffeine to your daily regimen.</p>南非醉茄根 (南非醉茄), 920 毫克 (每份), 120 快速釋放膠囊, 2 瓶子
Current price: NT$ 468Original price: NT$ 728高麗參 + 銀杏, 5000 毫克 (每份), 120 素食專用膠囊, 2 瓶子
Current price: NT$ 576Original price: NT$ 820紅景天, 1000 mg, 120 快速釋放膠囊, 2 瓶子
Current price: NT$ 570Original price: NT$ 965B12複合B族維生素液 , 1200 mcg, 2 fl oz (59 mL) 滴管瓶, 2 滴管瓶
Current price: NT$ 389Original price: NT$ 553複合B族加B-12舌下液體, 1200 mcg, 2 fl oz (59 mL) 滴管瓶, 4 瓶子
Current price: NT$ 708Original price: NT$ 1,011
More Information
Energy to Keep You Going
Sometimes we all need that extra support to put the pep back in our step, which is why Piping Rock is excited to offer our Ultra Energy Booster supplement!
Featuring a perfect blend of caffeine sources and energetic herbs such as ginseng, guarana and green tea, each capsule delivers the fuel you need to help get you through your long day, your rigorous workout or before a night out.**
As caffeine supplements are not for everyone, you should consult with your trusted medical professional before adding caffeine to your daily regimen.
- 每份規格 1 快速釋放膠囊
- 每瓶份數 90
product | 每份 含量 |
%每日 攝入 量(DV) |
維生素B-12 (如氰鈷維生素) | 200 mcg | 8,333 % Daily Value |
瓜拿納 (Paullinia cupana) (籽) (從 100毫克4:1提取物中提取) | 400 mg | * |
積雪草 (Centella asiatica) (整株草藥) (由 30 毫克的 10:1 的萃取物中取出) | 300 mg | * |
中國紅參 (Panax ginseng) (根) (從 62.5毫克4:1提取物中提取) | 250 mg | * |
綠茶提取物 (Camellia sinensis) (葉) (標準化95%多酚,75%兒茶素和45%EGCG) | 100 mg | * |
咖啡因 (來自所有來源,包括 83 毫克無水咖啡因) | 100 mg | * |
明膠膠囊, 米粉, 植物硬脂酸鎂, 二氧化矽食用指南:
成人,每次1粒,每日4次,隨餐食用。 每 4 小時內請勿服用多於 2 顆快速釋放膠囊。警告:
不適合未滿 18 歲人士、孕婦、哺乳期婦女,或對咖啡因敏感之人士使用。 該產品的建議劑量具有等同一杯咖啡中所含咖啡因 服用此產品時,限制使用含咖啡因的藥物,食物或飲料,因為過多的咖啡因可能導致緊張,煩躁,失眠,偶爾心跳加快。 如果您正在服用任何藥物或有任何健康狀況,請在使用前諮詢您的醫生。 如發生任何不良反應,請立即停止使用並諮詢醫生。 如瓶蓋下的密封膜損壞或丟失,請勿使用。 請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。 存放在陰涼,乾燥的地方。其他資訊:
注意:僅限偶爾使用。不能作為睡眠的替代品。如果疲勞或困倦持續或繼續復發,請諮詢醫生。PipingRock 以先進的內部分析測試支援對品質的 熱誠
PipingRock 保證最高品質,因為我們以自有的最先進設備對我們的 補充品進行設計、製造和測試。

在 PipingRock,我們最重視您的健康。許多食品補充品中具有轉基因生物體 (GMO),然而卻尚未證明可長期安全食用。 PipingRock 致力於不斷增加重多的非轉基因產品系列,不受轉基因潛在影響提供優質產品。
100% 滿意度保證
我們支持我們產品品質。 若您因任何原因對您的 PipingRock 產品有任何不滿意,我們將根據退貨政策進行全額退款。