貓狗強髖 & 髖關節咀嚼片, 120 咀嚼錠劑
5081<h2>What is Glucosamine/Chondroitin?</h2> <p>Glucosamine and chondroitin are compounds naturally occurring in humans and animals, found predominantly in the joints. These compounds are often referred to as the building blocks of joints. Though the body produces these two compounds naturally, its natural ability declines with age. A glucosamine/chondroitin supplement can help add a concentrated dose of these compounds to support our body's natural supply.</p> <h2>Hip and Joint Chewable For Pets</h2> <p>Piping Rock Hip and Joint provide the support pets need with the beef flavor they go crazy for! Suitable for cats and dogs, this premium formula features 350 mg of glucosamine sulfate, with added chondroitin, msm, turmeric, and supporting nutrients for maximum support. It is Gluten Free and non-GMO with no artificial color, flavor, sweetener, or preservatives. Savory beef chewable tablets will have them begging for their daily dose!</p>貓狗強髖 & 髖關節咀嚼片, 120 咀嚼錠劑
5081<h2>What is Glucosamine/Chondroitin?</h2> <p>Glucosamine and chondroitin are compounds naturally occurring in humans and animals, found predominantly in the joints. These compounds are often referred to as the building blocks of joints. Though the body produces these two compounds naturally, its natural ability declines with age. A glucosamine/chondroitin supplement can help add a concentrated dose of these compounds to support our body's natural supply.</p> <h2>Hip and Joint Chewable For Pets</h2> <p>Piping Rock Hip and Joint provide the support pets need with the beef flavor they go crazy for! Suitable for cats and dogs, this premium formula features 350 mg of glucosamine sulfate, with added chondroitin, msm, turmeric, and supporting nutrients for maximum support. It is Gluten Free and non-GMO with no artificial color, flavor, sweetener, or preservatives. Savory beef chewable tablets will have them begging for their daily dose!</p>寵物助消化益生菌咀嚼片( 適用於狗 & 貓) , 120 咀嚼錠劑
Current price: NT$ 461Original price: NT$ 708特級寵物用維生素片(適用於狗 & 貓) , 120 咀嚼錠劑
Current price: NT$ 326Original price: NT$ 484狗用ω-3膠囊, 180 快速釋放軟膠囊
Current price: NT$ 527Original price: NT$ 527L-Lysine Powder For Cats, 12 oz (340 g) 酒瓶
Current price: NT$ 511Original price: NT$ 511
More Information
What is Glucosamine/Chondroitin?
Glucosamine and chondroitin are compounds naturally occurring in humans and animals, found predominantly in the joints. These compounds are often referred to as the building blocks of joints. Though the body produces these two compounds naturally, its natural ability declines with age. A glucosamine/chondroitin supplement can help add a concentrated dose of these compounds to support our body's natural supply.
Hip and Joint Chewable For Pets
Piping Rock Hip and Joint provide the support pets need with the beef flavor they go crazy for! Suitable for cats and dogs, this premium formula features 350 mg of glucosamine sulfate, with added chondroitin, msm, turmeric, and supporting nutrients for maximum support. It is Gluten Free and non-GMO with no artificial color, flavor, sweetener, or preservatives. Savory beef chewable tablets will have them begging for their daily dose!
- 每份規格 1 咀嚼片
- 每瓶份數 120
product | 每份 含量 |
%每日 攝入 量(DV) |
氨基葡萄糖硫酸鹽2KCl | 350 mg | * |
MSM(二甲基碸) | 250 mg | * |
硫酸軟骨素 | 100 mg | * |
薑黃 (Curcuma longa) (根) (來自2.8mg 10:1提取物) | 28 mg | |
維生素C (抗壞血酸鈉) | 50 mg | * |
錳 (如氨基酸螯合錳) | 2.5 mg | * |
牛肝 | 500 mg | * |
纖維素(植物來源), 植物硬脂酸, 植物硬脂酸鎂, 二氧化矽食用指南:
25磅:每日1片。 25-75磅:每日2-3片。超過76磅:每日4-6片。如果食用超過1片,則在上午和下午分開食用。為了獲得更快的結果,在前6周內將建議量加倍。在動物食用期間或之後施用以減少胃腸不適的發生率。警告:
僅供動物使用。 寵物在使用本產品前,建議先經獸醫檢查。 懷孕動物或用於繁殖的動物的安全使用尚未得到證實。 在動物使用本產品之前,請先咨詢您的獸醫。有凝血障礙、正在接受抗凝藥物治療;糖尿病或任何引起高血糖的代謝紊亂;尿路結石病史;已知對貝殼過敏請謹慎使用。 在任何預期的手術之前,告知你的獸醫你的寵物正在接受這種產品。 在意外攝入的情況下諮詢您的獸醫。 本產品僅適用於間歇性或補充性餵養。 如果發生任何不良反應,如果情況惡化或意外攝入,請立即停止使用該產品並咨詢您的寵物醫生。 請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。 如瓶蓋下的密封膜損壞或丟失,請勿使用。 存放在陰涼,乾燥的地方。PipingRock 以先進的內部分析測試支援對品質的 熱誠
PipingRock 保證最高品質,因為我們以自有的最先進設備對我們的 補充品進行設計、製造和測試。

在 PipingRock,我們最重視您的健康。許多食品補充品中具有轉基因生物體 (GMO),然而卻尚未證明可長期安全食用。 PipingRock 致力於不斷增加重多的非轉基因產品系列,不受轉基因潛在影響提供優質產品。
100% 滿意度保證
我們支持我們產品品質。 若您因任何原因對您的 PipingRock 產品有任何不滿意,我們將根據退貨政策進行全額退款。