女性 Mega 複合維生素, 90 衣膜錠
2281<h2><strong>Mega Nutritional Support for Women</strong></h2> <p>Fuel your day with the necessary nutrients! Being the mega-busy woman you are, we created a special formula just for you. This multivitamin formula provides a scientifically-derived, comprehensive complement of essential vitamins and trace minerals - micronutrients necessary to support your womanhood and help you to be your very best every day! </p>由Piping Rock提供
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女性 Mega 複合維生素, 90 衣膜錠
2281<h2><strong>Mega Nutritional Support for Women</strong></h2> <p>Fuel your day with the necessary nutrients! Being the mega-busy woman you are, we created a special formula just for you. This multivitamin formula provides a scientifically-derived, comprehensive complement of essential vitamins and trace minerals - micronutrients necessary to support your womanhood and help you to be your very best every day! </p>由Piping Rock提供
4.6232 顧客評價232
用量: 1 | 90 衣膜錠 - 有現貨
0 商品
女性 Mega 複合維生素 50 +, 200 衣膜錠
Current price: NT$ 718Original price: NT$ 1,196女性 Mega 複合維生素 50 +, 100 衣膜錠
Current price: NT$ 395Original price: NT$ 659女士多種維他命軟糖(水果口味), 70 軟糖
Current price: NT$ 297Original price: NT$ 395鐵 + B12 軟糖(美味葡萄), 70 全素軟糖
Current price: NT$ 297Original price: NT$ 297少女套裝(多種維生素和礦物質), 30 小包
Current price: NT$ 988Original price: NT$ 1,317
More Information
Mega Nutritional Support for Women
Fuel your day with the necessary nutrients! Being the mega-busy woman you are, we created a special formula just for you. This multivitamin formula provides a scientifically-derived, comprehensive complement of essential vitamins and trace minerals - micronutrients necessary to support your womanhood and help you to be your very best every day!
- 每份規格 2 衣膜錠
- 每瓶份數 45
product | 每份 含量 |
%每日 攝入 量(DV) |
維生素A (如β-胡蘿蔔素) | 1,500 mcg | 167 % Daily Value |
維生素C (如抗壞血酸) | 220 mg | 244 % Daily Value |
維生素D3 (又稱膽鈣化醇) | 2,500IU/62.5 mcg | 313 % Daily Value |
維生素E (如d-Alpha生育酚琥珀酸酯) | 13.4 mg | 89 % Daily Value |
Thiamin (維生素B-1) (如硫胺鹽酸鹽) | 40 mg | 3.333 % Daily Value |
核黃素 (維生素B-2) | 40 mg | 3,077 % Daily Value |
煙酸 (如煙醯胺) | 50 mg | 313 % Daily Value |
維生素B-6 (如吡哆醇鹽酸鹽) | 40 mg | 2,353 % Daily Value |
葉酸 (400 mcg葉酸) | 666 mcg DFE | 167 % Daily Value |
維生素B-12 (如氰鈷維生素) | 125 mcg | 5,208 % Daily Value |
生物素 (如d-生物素) | 1,000 mcg | 3,333 % Daily Value |
泛酸 (如泛酸鈣) | 40 mg | 800 % Daily Value |
鈣 (來自碳酸鈣和檸檬酸鈣) | 500 mg | 38 % Daily Value |
碘 (如碘化鉀) | 150 mcg | 100 % Daily Value |
鎂 (如氧化鎂) | 100 mg | 24 % Daily Value |
鋅 (如氧化鋅) | 15 mg | 136 % Daily Value |
硒 (如l-硒代蛋氨酸) | 200 mcg | 364 % Daily Value |
銅 (如氨基酸螯合銅) | 2 mg | 222 % Daily Value |
錳 (如氨基酸螯合錳) | 2 mg | 87 % Daily Value |
鉻 (如吡啶甲酸鉻) | 250 mcg | 714 % Daily Value |
鉬 (如氨基酸螯合鉬) | 75 mcg | 167 % Daily Value |
鉀 (如氯化鉀) | 10 mg | <1 % Daily Value |
二氧化矽 (如二氧化矽) | 8 mg | * |
硼 (如檸檬酸硼,甘氨酸硼和天冬氨酸硼) | 2 mg | * |
膠原 (水解明膠), 透明質酸 (如透明質酸鈉), 二氧化矽 (如二氧化矽)
110 mg | * |
瓜拿納 (Paullinia cupana) (籽) (從4:1提取), 綠茶提取物 (Camellia sinensis) (葉) (標準化含有95%多酚), 中國紅參 (Panax ginseng) (根) (從4:1提取), d甘露糖
110 mg | * |
薑黃 (Curcuma longa) (根) (從10:1提取), 接骨木 (Sambucus nigra) (果) (從61:1提取), 越橘 (果) (從4:1提取), 葡萄籽提取物 (Vitis vinifera) (標準化含有70%多酚), 阿爾法硫辛酸
100 mg | * |
蔓越莓 (Vaccinium macrocarpon) (果) (從50:1提取), 當歸 (根) (從4:1提取)
110 mg | * |
黑升麻 (Cimicifuga racemosa) (根) (從5:1提取), 聖潔莓 (Vitex agnus castus) (果) (從4:1提取), 紅三葉草 (Trifolium pratense) (氣生的) (從4:1提取)
40 mg | * |
接骨木 (Sambucus nigra) (漿果) (從61:1提取), 南非醉茄 (Withania somnifera) (根) (從10:1提取)
35 mg | * |
纖維素(植物來源), 交聯羧甲基, 澱粉, 植物硬脂酸, 植物硬脂酸鎂, 纖維素塗層食用指南:
不適合孕婦或哺乳期婦女使用。 服用任何藥物、計劃進行任何醫療或外科手術或有任何健康狀況(包括腎臟和肝臟疾病)或計劃接受實驗室檢測人群,請在使用前咨詢醫師。 如發生任何不良反應,請立即停止使用並諮詢醫生。 不適合未滿18歲的人群使用。 如瓶蓋下的密封膜損壞或丟失,請勿使用。 請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。 存放在陰涼,乾燥的地方。其他資訊:
包含魚(鱈魚,單鰭鱈,比目魚,黑線鱈,狗鱈,綠鱈,紅鮭魚,鰨目魚)和大豆成分。PipingRock 以先進的內部分析測試支援對品質的 熱誠
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在 PipingRock,我們最重視您的健康。許多食品補充品中具有轉基因生物體 (GMO),然而卻尚未證明可長期安全食用。 PipingRock 致力於不斷增加重多的非轉基因產品系列,不受轉基因潛在影響提供優質產品。
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女性 Mega 複合維生素, 90 衣膜錠
2281<h2><strong>Mega Nutritional Support for Women</strong></h2> <p>Fuel your day with the necessary nutrients! Being the mega-busy woman you are, we created a special formula just for you. This multivitamin formula provides a scientifically-derived, comprehensive complement of essential vitamins and trace minerals - micronutrients necessary to support your womanhood and help you to be your very best every day! </p>由Piping Rock提供
女性 Mega 複合維生素, 90 衣膜錠
2281<h2><strong>Mega Nutritional Support for Women</strong></h2> <p>Fuel your day with the necessary nutrients! Being the mega-busy woman you are, we created a special formula just for you. This multivitamin formula provides a scientifically-derived, comprehensive complement of essential vitamins and trace minerals - micronutrients necessary to support your womanhood and help you to be your very best every day! </p>由Piping Rock提供
4.6232 顧客評價232
用量: 1 | 90 衣膜錠 - 有現貨
評級和評論 (232)
232 顧客評價
5 星
4 星
3 星
2 星
1 星
1-8 之 232 顧客評價
Jun 22, 2014
評論 1
投票 9
性別 女性
年齡 65 或超過
Great Ingredients and Benefits
This is a complete multivitamin with the minerals and natural ingredients that address the needs of a woman. Nothing is lacking. Great price!This is a complete multivitamin with the minerals and natural ingredients that address the needs of a woman. Nothing is lacking. Great price!品質
Sep 28, 2015
評論 3
投票 19
性別 男性
年齡 25至34
Great Schtuff
When taking these my girlfriends hair and nails are much better, and she feel better. She's switched back to another multi-vitamin for a bit and then back to this to use while she was in between refills, and it's not just our imagination, we can see the difference. Thanks Piping Rock for your dedication to quality and integrity in your products and prices :-) Not an easy thing to find nowadays.When taking these my girlfriends hair and nails are much better, and she feel better. She's switched back to another multi-vitamin for a bit and then back to this to use while she was in between refills, and it's not just our imagination, we can see the difference. Thanks Piping Rock for your dedication to quality and integrity in your products and prices :-) Not an easy thing to find nowadays.品質
Jan 05, 2015
評論 2
投票 18
性別 女性
年齡 35至44
Fantastic vitamin, yucky taste
I know, its because its a multi, but these things taste awful. But I keep taking them because they work so well! I would recommend taking these earlier rather than later in the day as they give you energy that isn't conducive to sleep.I know, its because its a multi, but these things taste awful. But I keep taking them because they work so well! I would recommend taking these earlier rather than later in the day as they give you energy that isn't conducive to sleep.品質
Kara SKara SKara S
Dec 21, 2019
評論 2
投票 12
性別 女性
年齡 25至34
Only multi I will use
It has such a large percentage of the vitamins you need. I don't feel like I have to add other pills on top of these. I see the difference in my nails, hair, hormone regulation, and all around health. Been using these for a year now and are the only multi that I will use!It has such a large percentage of the vitamins you need. I don't feel like I have to add other pills on top of these. I see the difference in my nails, hair, hormone regulation, and all around health. Been using these for a year now and are the only multi that I will use!品質
Jul 30, 2014
評論 1
投票 6
性別 女性
年齡 55至64
Piping Rock
Piping Rock was one of the best referrals I have ever received, and the referral came from a retired doctor! Pricing is excellent, service is good, product is also excellent.Piping Rock was one of the best referrals I have ever received, and the referral came from a retired doctor! Pricing is excellent, service is good, product is also excellent.品質
Jun 20, 2016
評論 2
投票 9
性別 女性
年齡 45至54
Just as good as GNC but a better price
I bought Piping Rock women's vitamins and they are just as good if not better than GNC's Mega Women vitamins at a much better priceI bought Piping Rock women's vitamins and they are just as good if not better than GNC's Mega Women vitamins at a much better price品質
AZ JanAZ JanAZ Jan
Dec 29, 2014
評論 1
投票 5
性別 女性
年齡 65 或超過
All the vitamins I need Everyday
I get all the vitamins and minerals I need everyday from just 1 tablet daily. What works best for me is to cut the tablet in half and take 1/2 in the AM and 1/2 at night. You wouldn't be able to do that with a soft-gel or capsule. Thanks for a great Mulch-Vitamin. And it's specially formulated for women.I get all the vitamins and minerals I need everyday from just 1 tablet daily. What works best for me is to cut the tablet in half and take 1/2 in the AM and 1/2 at night. You wouldn't be able to do that with a soft-gel or capsule. Thanks for a great Mulch-Vitamin. And it's specially formulated for women.品質
Jul 11, 2019
評論 9
投票 9
性別 女性
年齡 45至54
Woman's Mega multi
Excellent product! They work well! With a plus of women's hormonal balance, that is why I purchased them in the first place!Excellent product! They work well! With a plus of women's hormonal balance, that is why I purchased them in the first place!品質
顯示 1 - 8 之 232 結果.