每日生活所需水果和蔬菜膠囊, 250 素食專用膠囊
7073<h2 class="body-more-heading-third">34 Fruits & Vegetables in Just 1 Capsule</h2> <p>Let’s face it: sometimes it simply isn’t feasible to achieve the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. When it comes to our busy lifestyles, budgets and even taste preferences, our nutrition, unfortunately, tends to be the one to take the hit. Now, you can help to supplement those lacking nutrients with Piping Rock’s Fruit & Veggies for Life capsules!</p> <p>Featuring a specially formulated blend of 34 extracts from nature’s healthiest fruits and vegetables, each fruit and vegetable capsule delivers potent nutrition for the whole family. Support your body’s entire well-being with beneficial essential vitamins and minerals found in tomatoes, broccoli, spirulina, black cherries and more!</p>促銷結束
- 03日
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- 22時
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- 49分
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- 44秒
每日生活所需水果和蔬菜膠囊, 250 素食專用膠囊
7073<h2 class="body-more-heading-third">34 Fruits & Vegetables in Just 1 Capsule</h2> <p>Let’s face it: sometimes it simply isn’t feasible to achieve the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. When it comes to our busy lifestyles, budgets and even taste preferences, our nutrition, unfortunately, tends to be the one to take the hit. Now, you can help to supplement those lacking nutrients with Piping Rock’s Fruit & Veggies for Life capsules!</p> <p>Featuring a specially formulated blend of 34 extracts from nature’s healthiest fruits and vegetables, each fruit and vegetable capsule delivers potent nutrition for the whole family. Support your body’s entire well-being with beneficial essential vitamins and minerals found in tomatoes, broccoli, spirulina, black cherries and more!</p>超級水果和蔬菜膠囊, 120 素食專用膠囊
Current price: NT$ 428Original price: NT$ 708超級水果和蔬菜膠囊, 60 素食專用膠囊
Current price: NT$ 236Original price: NT$ 399B 複合物全食水果和蔬菜, 200 素食專用膠囊
Current price: NT$ 560Original price: NT$ 560Max 全蔬菜/全食品複合物 不含鐵 , 120 衣膜錠
Current price: NT$ 329Original price: NT$ 748紅色加有機粉末, 9.5 oz (270 g) 酒瓶
Current price: NT$ 823Original price: NT$ 1,373
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34 Fruits & Vegetables in Just 1 Capsule
Let’s face it: sometimes it simply isn’t feasible to achieve the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. When it comes to our busy lifestyles, budgets and even taste preferences, our nutrition, unfortunately, tends to be the one to take the hit. Now, you can help to supplement those lacking nutrients with Piping Rock’s Fruit & Veggies for Life capsules!
Featuring a specially formulated blend of 34 extracts from nature’s healthiest fruits and vegetables, each fruit and vegetable capsule delivers potent nutrition for the whole family. Support your body’s entire well-being with beneficial essential vitamins and minerals found in tomatoes, broccoli, spirulina, black cherries and more!
- 每份規格 2 素食專用膠囊
- 每瓶份數 125
product | 每份 含量 |
%每日 攝入 量(DV) |
32 種水果和蔬菜混合物,組成為 | 1,180 mg | * | |
14 種蔬菜混合物
螺旋藻, 苜蓿, 大豆, 胡蘿蔔, 羽衣甘藍, 西蘭花, 小球藻, 朝鮮薊, 菠菜, 蘆筍, 捲心菜, 芹菜籽, 大蒜, 甜菜根膠囊
番茄, 蘋果果膠, 蔓越莓, 柳丁, 藍莓, 金虎尾, 草莓, 鳳梨, 番木瓜, 桃子, 諾麗, 黑櫻桃, 酸櫻桃, 接骨木, 葡萄皮, 葡萄籽, 辣椒, 石榴
米粉, 素食膠囊, 植物硬脂酸鎂, 二氧化矽食用指南:
成年人服用,每日 2-3 次服用 2 顆素食錠,最好隨餐服用。警告:
如果您正在懷孕、哺乳、服用任何藥物或有任何健康狀況,請在使用前諮詢醫師。 如發生任何不良反應,請立即停止使用並諮詢醫生。 如瓶蓋下的密封膜損壞或丟失,請勿使用。 請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。 存放在陰涼,乾燥的地方。其他資訊:
含有大豆成分。PipingRock 以先進的內部分析測試支援對品質的 熱誠
PipingRock 保證最高品質,因為我們以自有的最先進設備對我們的 補充品進行設計、製造和測試。

在 PipingRock,我們最重視您的健康。許多食品補充品中具有轉基因生物體 (GMO),然而卻尚未證明可長期安全食用。 PipingRock 致力於不斷增加重多的非轉基因產品系列,不受轉基因潛在影響提供優質產品。
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我們支持我們產品品質。 若您因任何原因對您的 PipingRock 產品有任何不滿意,我們將根據退貨政策進行全額退款。