Max 全蔬菜/全食品複合物 不含鐵 , 120 衣膜錠

541<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Wholesome Nutrition in Each Multivitamin</strong></h2> <p>Whole greens/fruits &amp; vegetables with probiotics&nbsp;have quickly become a staple in many people&rsquo;s healthy lifestyles. What makes these nutrient-dense diets so popular? Whole foods and greens have been processed or refined as little as possible. They are free from additives and artificial substances, meaning each bite contains foods as close as possible to their natural state, delivering their natural benefits.</p> <p>Now you can support your healthy nutrition every day with Piping Rock&rsquo;s own Max Whole Greens/Whole Foods Multivitamin! This nutrient-dense super supplement delivers a concentrated formula of food-derived nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and more! Take charge of your healthy lifestyle today!&nbsp;</p>
Piping Rock提供
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Max 全蔬菜/全食品複合物 不含鐵 , 120 衣膜錠

541<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Wholesome Nutrition in Each Multivitamin</strong></h2> <p>Whole greens/fruits &amp; vegetables with probiotics&nbsp;have quickly become a staple in many people&rsquo;s healthy lifestyles. What makes these nutrient-dense diets so popular? Whole foods and greens have been processed or refined as little as possible. They are free from additives and artificial substances, meaning each bite contains foods as close as possible to their natural state, delivering their natural benefits.</p> <p>Now you can support your healthy nutrition every day with Piping Rock&rsquo;s own Max Whole Greens/Whole Foods Multivitamin! This nutrient-dense super supplement delivers a concentrated formula of food-derived nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and more! Take charge of your healthy lifestyle today!&nbsp;</p>
Piping Rock提供
4.7 out of 5 stars. 134 顧客評價
134 顧客評價134
用量: 1 | 120 衣膜錠 - 有現貨
Superior Quality Guaranteed
1 年 100% 無風險滿意度保證

More Information

Wholesome Nutrition in Each Multivitamin

Whole greens/fruits & vegetables with probiotics have quickly become a staple in many people’s healthy lifestyles. What makes these nutrient-dense diets so popular? Whole foods and greens have been processed or refined as little as possible. They are free from additives and artificial substances, meaning each bite contains foods as close as possible to their natural state, delivering their natural benefits.

Now you can support your healthy nutrition every day with Piping Rock’s own Max Whole Greens/Whole Foods Multivitamin! This nutrient-dense super supplement delivers a concentrated formula of food-derived nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and more! Take charge of your healthy lifestyle today!


  • 每份規格  3 衣膜錠
  • 每瓶份數  40
product 每份
維生素A (as Retinyl Palmitate and 5% as Beta-Carotene) 900 mcg 100 % Daily Value
維生素C (如抗壞血酸) 500 mg 556 % Daily Value
維生素D (如D3膽鈣化醇) 2,000 IU / 50 mcg 250 % Daily Value
維生素E (如d-Alpha生育酚琥珀酸酯) 6.7 mg 45 % Daily Value
Thiamin (維生素B-1) (如硫胺鹽酸鹽) 25 mg 2,083 % Daily Value
核黃素 (維生素B-2) 25 mg 1,923 % Daily Value
煙酸 (如煙醯胺) 25 mg 156 % Daily Value
維生素B-6 (如吡哆醇鹽酸鹽) 25 mg 1,471 % Daily Value
葉酸 (400 mcg葉酸) 667 mcg DFE 167 % Daily Value
維生素B-12 (如氰鈷維生素) 250 mcg 10,417 % Daily Value
生物素 (如d-生物素) 300 mcg 1,000 % Daily Value
泛酸 (如泛酸鈣) 30 mg 600 % Daily Value
鈣 (如碳酸鈣) 300 mg 23 % Daily Value
碘 (來自海帶) 150 mcg 100 % Daily Value
鎂 (如氧化鎂) 20 mg 5 % Daily Value
鋅 (如氧化鋅) 15 mg 136 % Daily Value
硒 (如l-硒代蛋氨酸) 25 mg 45 % Daily Value
錳 (如氨基酸螯合錳) 4 mg 174 % Daily Value
鉻 (如吡啶甲酸鉻) 100 mg 286 % Daily Value
鉀 (如氯化鉀) 25 mg <1 % Daily Value
Antioxidant Fruit Blend
蔓越莓 (Vaccinium macrocarpon) (果) (從50:1提取), 藍莓 (Vaccinium spp.) (果) (從 55:1 提取物中提取), 接骨木 (Sambucus nigra) (果) (從61:1提取), 櫻桃 (Prunus serotina) (果) (從10:1提取), 酸櫻桃 (Prunus cerasus ) (果) (從10:1提取), 蘋果果膠 (Malus pumila) (果), 辣椒 (Capsicum annuum) (果), 葡萄籽提取物 (Vitis vinifera) (標準化含有70%多酚), 葡萄皮提取物 (Vitis vinifera) (標準化含有45%多酚), 諾麗 (Morinda citrifolia) (果), 鼠李糖乳桿菌, 乳酸菌, 有機草莓 (草莓) (果), 番茄 (Lycopersicon Esculentum) (果), Lactobacillus acidophilus, 動物雙歧桿菌乳亞種
900 mg *
Vegetable and Superfood Blend
朝鮮薊 (Cynara scolymus) (莖和葉) (從4:1提取), 蘆筍 (Asparagus officinalis) (根) (從4:1提取), 西蘭花 (Brassica oleracea) (發芽) (從20:1提取), 芹菜籽 (Apium graveolens) (從4:1提取), 羽衣甘藍 (Brassica oleracea) (葉) (從4:1提取), 苜蓿 (Medicago sativa) (葉), 小球藻 (Chlorella spp.) (草本植物), 大蒜 (Allium sativum) (鱗莖), 有機螺旋藻 (Arthrospira platensis) (整株植物), 甜菜根膠囊 (Beta vulgaris)
200 mg *
Probiotic Balance Blend
Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium breve, 兩岐雙岐桿菌, Bifidobacterium longum, 保加利亞乳桿菌
2.1 mg *


纖維素(植物來源), 澱粉, 交聯羧甲基, 植物硬脂酸, 植物硬脂酸鎂, 二氧化矽, 纖維素塗層




孕婦、哺乳期婦女、服用任何藥物、計劃進行任何 醫療或外科手術或有任何健康狀況人群(包括腎臟疾病、膽囊問題或膽結石),請在使用前咨詢醫師。 如果您對豚草或雛菊花過敏,請避免使用本產品。 如發生任何不良反應,請立即停止使用並諮詢醫生。 不適合未滿18歲的人群使用。 如瓶蓋下的密封膜損壞或丟失,請勿使用。 請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。 存放在陰涼,乾燥的地方。


包含魚(鱈魚,單鰭鱈,比目魚,黑線鱈,狗鱈,綠鱈,紅鮭魚,鰨目魚)和大豆成分。 海帶成分可能含有微量的魚類或貝類。

PipingRock 以先進的內部分析測試支援對品質的 熱誠

PipingRock 保證最高品質,因為我們以自有的最先進設備對我們的 補充品進行設計、製造和測試。


在 PipingRock,我們最重視您的健康。許多食品補充品中具有轉基因生物體 (GMO),然而卻尚未證明可長期安全食用。 PipingRock 致力於不斷增加重多的非轉基因產品系列,不受轉基因潛在影響提供優質產品。

100% 滿意度保證

我們支持我們產品品質。 若您因任何原因對您的 PipingRock 產品有任何不滿意,我們將根據退貨政策進行全額退款。

Max 全蔬菜/全食品複合物 不含鐵 , 120 衣膜錠

541<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Wholesome Nutrition in Each Multivitamin</strong></h2> <p>Whole greens/fruits &amp; vegetables with probiotics&nbsp;have quickly become a staple in many people&rsquo;s healthy lifestyles. What makes these nutrient-dense diets so popular? Whole foods and greens have been processed or refined as little as possible. They are free from additives and artificial substances, meaning each bite contains foods as close as possible to their natural state, delivering their natural benefits.</p> <p>Now you can support your healthy nutrition every day with Piping Rock&rsquo;s own Max Whole Greens/Whole Foods Multivitamin! This nutrient-dense super supplement delivers a concentrated formula of food-derived nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and more! Take charge of your healthy lifestyle today!&nbsp;</p>
Piping Rock提供
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Max 全蔬菜/全食品複合物 不含鐵 , 120 衣膜錠

541<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Wholesome Nutrition in Each Multivitamin</strong></h2> <p>Whole greens/fruits &amp; vegetables with probiotics&nbsp;have quickly become a staple in many people&rsquo;s healthy lifestyles. What makes these nutrient-dense diets so popular? Whole foods and greens have been processed or refined as little as possible. They are free from additives and artificial substances, meaning each bite contains foods as close as possible to their natural state, delivering their natural benefits.</p> <p>Now you can support your healthy nutrition every day with Piping Rock&rsquo;s own Max Whole Greens/Whole Foods Multivitamin! This nutrient-dense super supplement delivers a concentrated formula of food-derived nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and more! Take charge of your healthy lifestyle today!&nbsp;</p>
Piping Rock提供
4.7 out of 5 stars. 134 顧客評價
134 顧客評價134
用量: 1 | 120 衣膜錠 - 有現貨

Our Customers Love PipingRock Quality & Value!

4.7rate(134) 顧客評價

評級和評論 (134)

4.7 out of 5 stars. 134 顧客評價
134 顧客評價
1-8 134 顧客評價
5 out of 5 stars.
Oct 08, 2014
評論 1
投票 21
性別 女性
年齡 55至64
Covers it ALL
I started taking this a year ago and LOVE LOVE LOVE the results! One pill to remember instead of a plethora in my med cabinetI started taking this a year ago and LOVE LOVE LOVE the results! One pill to remember instead of a plethora in my med cabinet
5 out of 5 stars.
Apr 26, 2019
評論 7
投票 26
性別 男性
年齡 45至54
Great Vitamin
I can say that after a month of use I can understand why this vitamin is out of stock so much. I use less than suggested tablets per day and still feel more from this product than other brands.I can say that after a month of use I can understand why this vitamin is out of stock so much. I use less than suggested tablets per day and still feel more from this product than other brands.
5 out of 5 stars.
Sep 06, 2018
評論 1
投票 7
性別 女性
年齡 45至54
I am really happy with my supplements. They are doing what they suppose to do.I am really happy with my supplements. They are doing what they suppose to do.
5 out of 5 stars.
Jan 07, 2015
評論 1
投票 7
性別 女性
年齡 45至54
Great product
I love taking these vitamins. The first thing that impressed me was that they came filled to the top of the bottles. I hate half-filled bottles. They also contain tons of ingredients in small amounts that I don't supplement or eat on a daily basis. Great product for all-around health!I love taking these vitamins. The first thing that impressed me was that they came filled to the top of the bottles. I hate half-filled bottles. They also contain tons of ingredients in small amounts that I don't supplement or eat on a daily basis. Great product for all-around health!
5 out of 5 stars.
Jun 23, 2018
評論 3
投票 8
性別 男性
年齡 45至54
Excellent value and quality
I have been using this for a couple years now and it does what it is suppose to. I take this on an empty stomach and it suppresses my appetite for hours until I can eat. Works great for my weight loss goals.I have been using this for a couple years now and it does what it is suppose to. I take this on an empty stomach and it suppresses my appetite for hours until I can eat. Works great for my weight loss goals.
Me in TN
4 out of 5 stars.
Nov 01, 2015
評論 7
投票 17
性別 女性
年齡 55至64
jen1 reported this as a powder - it is a pill
Thinking than the review by Jen1 was supposed to be for a different product. Stated that it was a powder. Maybe he/she should check the product he/she reviewed. He/she didn't get it right. I just bought this for the first time and am hoping to reap benefits of getting doses of things that I wouldn't eat off a plate (shitake mushrooms - yuck!) I will write updated review after I try these.Thinking than the review by Jen1 was supposed to be for a different product. Stated that it was a powder. Maybe he/she should check the product he/she reviewed. He/she didn't get it right. I just bought this for the first time and am hoping to reap benefits of getting doses of things that I wouldn't eat off a plate (shitake mushrooms - yuck!) I will write updated review after I try these.
5 out of 5 stars.
May 31, 2017
評論 1
投票 4
性別 女性
年齡 35至44
Natural, power-packed vitamin supplement
What a perfect addition to your diet! So many natural nutrients in one place. This supplement is so much better than those synthetic multi-vitamins in stores. You feel your body being nurished with a huge combination of naturally sourced vitamins and minerals. Highly recommend.What a perfect addition to your diet! So many natural nutrients in one place. This supplement is so much better than those synthetic multi-vitamins in stores. You feel your body being nurished with a huge combination of naturally sourced vitamins and minerals. Highly recommend.
Phoenix Dance
5 out of 5 stars.
Aug 27, 2016
評論 3
投票 10
性別 女性
年齡 35至44
Best Vitamin!
I have been using this vitamin for 1 year and I absolutely love it!I have been using this vitamin for 1 year and I absolutely love it!
顯示 1 - 8   134  結果.